Harry Potter School Supplies

Prepare for your little ones return to Hogwarts with these Harry Potter school supplies and stationery. Here at Funidelia you can find everything they need to enjoy the next school year. Get the most magical school supplies your muggle kids have ever seen. We’ve got Harry Potter diaries, workbooks and notebooks, so they can take notes and won’t forget a thing. As well as Harry Potter bags and backpacks to carry all their Harry Potter books and pens in... We’ve even got Tom Riddle’s diary and a pen with invisible ink, which will hide their secrets so no other wizard can discover them! And if you want to complete their set of Harry Potter school supplies, so their return to school is perfect, take a look at our selection of Harry Potter merchandise! We’re sure you’ll find the perfect gift to treat them with at the beginning of the school year.



Pencil Cases


Pens & Fountain Pens

Lunchbox bag & Lunchboxes
